$ 2,000.00
0 Días faltantes

Be part of my dance journey!!!


My name is Riley and I am from Nampa, ID, USA. I am truly passionate about Dance, which I exercise as often as I can. My goal is to become one of the best athletes in my sport, and I need your help to turn the impossible into a reality.

To excel, I need to be constantly push my limits. I am ready to work hard, but at the same time, I know that the road to success will be costly. By supporting me today, you are investing into something bigger than just a fundraiser. You're changing my life. Thank you for your support!

I am Riley, an aspiring dancer, based in Nampa. I have been competing in Dance since I was 4 years old. Over the past several years, I have competed in multiple performances and most recently embarked in the journey of competitive dance. 

My long-term athletic dream is to be a collegiate/professional dancer. In the short term, however, I hope to compete at Jump in Portland, OR. 

Your contribution would allow me to continue to reach my goals. 

Achievements and Awards:

  • 2024 - National Scholarship - Artist Simply Human

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Kara McMorrow
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Neesha Bravard
Kick some major butt Riley!! Love Aunt Neesha ❤️❤️
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Whitney Withrow
Best of luck!
hace un año
Bethany Cornwell
Can’t wait to see you what you accomplish in dance!
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Stephanie Davidson
Go get’em Riley.
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Karen Corn
Riley Richardson
Nampa, Idaho, United States
1 reclamó
A shout-out on my Facebook/Twitter thanking you for your contribution.
