$ 7,500.00
0 Dias faltando

Pushing to make my Olympic dream a reality!

Hi everyone! I’m back again with my last campaign before the 2016 Olympics in Rio. First of all, I want to thank everyone for all the support they have shown me over the last two seasons. I honestly would not be where I am without you and I can’t thank you enough. I also want to give a great big THANK YOU to Richard Skura for putting together my video for me and taking so many great photos for this campaign. I can't thank him enough because he generously volunteers so much time and energy into these  campaigns! It means so much to me.

This season is the last push for the 2016 Olympics. I don’t know what will happen, but I do know I am going to give it my all! I have many competitions to attend before April 2016, which is when all of the Olympic Qualifying events finish. My biggest thing when I decided to try for the Olympics was that I didn’t want any regrets. It’s going to be tough, but I’ve known that from the beginning. I don’t want to wonder what would have happened if I did something differently. I plan to just push until the very end because it isn’t over until it’s over. I am currently ranked 2nd in Canada and by the end of this season my goals are to be ranked 1st in Canada and to qualify for the Olympics.

Here is where you all come in!. I do not receive any funding and I work a full time job to try and make ends meet. Your contributions will go toward the high costs of training, travel, registration fees, and health care and it is crucial for helping me meet my goals this season. Here is a breakdown of all the Olympic qualifiers that I would like to attend this season (please keep in mind that I need to pay for flights, hotel, registration, food, etc for each and every one of these competitions):

Venezuela (World Cup): October 9 – 11, 2015

France (World Cup): October 30 – November 1, 2015

USA (Grand Prix):  December 12 – 13, 2015

Mexico (Satellite Tournament): December 15 – 16, 2015

Turkey (Satellite Tournament): January 9 – 10, 2016

Greece (World Cup): January 29 – 31, 2016

Belgium (World Cup): February 19 – 21, 2016

Italy (Satellite Tournament): March 19, 2016

Korea (Grand Prix): March 25 – 26, 2016

I will also attend National level tournaments and International training camps this season. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the tournaments this season cost me upwards of $20,000. On top of that, I spend approximately $500 per month just training (club fees, private lessons, and gym membership) and approximately $2000 in additional health services (sports psychology, massage, acupuncture, physio, chiropractor, etc). Thanks to a generous sponsorship by Absolute Fencing to the Canadian National Team, I now have a great set of fencing whites, a lame, a glove, and a mask along with a fencing bag for my travels. I will, however, still need to buy parts for my sabres (particularly blades, which break almost every month).  The National Team fencers have also just received sponsorship from Nike, so I will receive brand new fencing shoes, a track suit, and workout apparel, which also really helps me out.

Right now, I am more motivated than ever and I have a game plan. I know what I need to work on and in the course of the next few months I am going to work hard to be the best fencer I can be. The experiences throughout the past season have really taught me some valuable lessons going forward.

Thank you again to everyone for all the support they show in all the different ways as I work to make my Olympic dream a reality!

Every champion needs her crowd!

12027283_1036030719761247_8370083601385866066_ojpgHi! My name is Marissa Ponich and I am one of the top women's sabre fencers in Canada. I have been a national team member since 2013 (the same year I started fencing internationally). I started fencing at the late age of 19. I train at Sergei’s Sabre Club with Sergei Kazimirski and he’s been my coach since I started fencing in 2006. I have grown quickly and I am continuing to grow in this sport because it is a serious passion of mine.

9 anos atrás
Go get 'em!! Love ya
9 anos atrás
Tracey Sawatzky
All the best in this season! You can do it!!! XO!
9 anos atrás
Michael Dinardo
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
John & Sonja Hildebrandt
9 anos atrás
Nataliya Grytsiv
9 anos atrás
David Bowering
9 anos atrás
Monica Smith
9 anos atrás
Alan Russette
9 anos atrás
Hongliang Wang
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Amanda Winegardner
9 anos atrás
Erin Harnett
Get me to Rio!! LOL!
9 anos atrás
Sarah Stewart
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Vincent Fernandez
We are pleased to support you in your quest. You exude perseverance, class and dignity on and off the piste. Do it Marissa! Look forward to cheering you on in Rio. Cheers, Vince and Nadia
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Lynette Boos
We are cheering you on in Saskatoon!! All the best to you!
9 anos atrás
Elise McClay
Good luck, Marissa!! :) Cheering for you from Vancouver.
9 anos atrás
William Shalewa
Good luck!
9 anos atrás
Rafael Carballo
9 anos atrás
Darrell Morin
9 anos atrás
Bill Mechalski
Go hard Marissa!
9 anos atrás
:) xoxo
9 anos atrás
Chris Ward
9 anos atrás
Gabriel Mazzuca
9 anos atrás
Sylvia Evans
Go Marissa Go!!!! We're all cheering for you.
10 anos atrás
Roberta Hayar
10 anos atrás
Peggy Smith
10 anos atrás
Nicole English
10 anos atrás
10 anos atrás
Jocelyn Armstrong
I am so proud of you! As always we are cheering you on during your amazing journey! You already are a champion in so many ways! Love you!
10 anos atrás
10 anos atrás
10 anos atrás
Larry Chyzyk
10 anos atrás
Elizabeth Otto
10 anos atrás
Rhoda So
10 anos atrás
Barbara Madsen
10 anos atrás
Filipe Goncalves
10 anos atrás
Honghai Liu
Keep up the good work, Marissa, we are rooting for you!
10 anos atrás
Richard Skura
Good luck Marissa! We are cheering for you all the way!
9 anos atrás
James Trodden
9 anos atrás
Roland Daa-Naa
Good Luck!!!
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Greg Derkach
You go girl!
9 anos atrás
Bill Oldfield
Congrats on your Venezuela showing. Obviously your hard work and dedication is paying off!
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Lorna Taylor
9 anos atrás
Delta Land Surveys
9 anos atrás
Marie Warawa
9 anos atrás
Arnold Matechuk
“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” ― Alan Armstrong. Fight Hard Marissa!
9 anos atrás
Tania MacDonald
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Tim Plamondon
9 anos atrás
Eden Koster
9 anos atrás
Natalie Linfoot
9 anos atrás
Grace Cadieux
9 anos atrás
Liv Vors
9 anos atrás
Tanya Henderson
9 anos atrás
Olga Oshanyk
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Scott Vatcher
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Lisa Fletcher
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
9 anos atrás
Phil Thompson
10 anos atrás
Juliet McMaster
10 anos atrás
10 anos atrás
Ruth and Darrell Huffman
10 anos atrás
10 anos atrás
Alan Mangory
All the best Marissa in future championships!!
10 anos atrás
Randy Redekopp
Awesome. You can do it !!!!!
10 anos atrás
I just really wanted to get you over the $2,000 mark xoxo
10 anos atrás
Julie Traicheff
10 anos atrás
Taion Siu
10 anos atrás
Ali Akbar
Hi Marissa,We all at Drainage Services, City of Edmonton are with you.Best of Luck in Rio Olympics in 2016. Ali and friends
10 anos atrás
Shelly Rusheleau
10 anos atrás
10 anos atrás
Paul butters
10 anos atrás
Scott Vatcher
Marissa Ponich
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
0 claimed
A shout-out on my Facebook/Twitter thanking you for your contribution.
9 claimed
Thank you for the support! I will acknowledge your help publicly through Facebook and Twitter and send you a personal message!
8 claimed
I will mail you a postcard, because everyone loves receiving real mail! You will also get a shout out on Twitter and Facebook.
4 claimed
Receive a public mention on my Facebook and Twitter pages and a signed picture of me.
5 claimed
A shout out on my Facebook and Twitter thanking you for your contribution plus a little gift from my travels (key chain, magnet, etc) and your choice of a signed print or a postcard from my travels.
2 claimed out of 12
You'll receive a Team Canada pin from the 2015 Pan Am Games and a signed print! These pins are limited in quantity. Plus, you'll get a shout out on my Facebook and Twitter pages!
3 claimed out of 4
You will receive a $100 gift card to Simply Supper in Edmonton! I only have 4 of these guys, so be sure to get them before they are gone! :) I love their meals and they make my life so much easier. Check out their website for more information: http://www.simplysupper.ca/
You'll also get a signed print and a shout out on Facebook/Twitter.
2 claimed
A shout out on my Facebook/Twitter pages thanking you for your contribution plus a more valuable gift from my travels (around a $15 value) and your choice of a signed print or a postcard from my travels.
0 claimed out of 3
You will get an old fencing lame that I have worn to past competitions and training. It doesn't pass at competitions anymore, but it did it's job! You will also get a signed print or postcard and a shout out on Facebook/Twitter.
0 claimed out of 1
A hat from the 2015 Senior World Championships in Moscow! Only one of these! If requested, I will sign it for you. Plus, you'll get a shout out thanking you on Facebook and Twitter and your choice of a signed print or a postcard from my travels.
0 claimed out of 1
A Team Canada hat from the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto! Only one of these! If requested I will sign it for you. Plus, you'll get a shout out thanking you on Facebook and Twitter and your choice of a signed print or a postcard from my travels.
0 claimed
If you are an organization or a company, I will put your logo on my MAKEACHAMP campaign and athlete profile. Please contact me to discuss other ways I can help your business. I am always open to different amounts and different ideas!
