$ 2,000.00
0 Dias faltando

Join my journey to the Pan Am Games and Beyond!


My name is Marissa Ponich and I am from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am passionate about fencing; my goal is to become one of the best athletes in my sport. I have just qualified as part of Team Canada for the Pan American Games in Lima, Peru!

This will be my second Games experience, after competing in the Pan American Games in Toronto in 2015.


These Games only happen once every four years and only the top three athletes have the opportunity to represent Canada in each of the fencing categories. I will leave for the Pan Am Games August 3 and return on August 12.

I have also qualified to be part of the National Team for the Pan American Championships in Toronto this season along with World Championships in Budapest (this is my 6th year in a row qualifying for the National Team). I will be heading to Montreal for a training camp on June 21 and then competing in the Pan American Championships on June 29 and July 2. I'll return home on July 3rd for only 4 days, and then I'll leave to Budapest for the World Championships (with another training camp beforehand). Both the Pan American Championships and World Championships are crucial to Olympic qualification. We're trying to qualify as a team and we are so close to making our goal! I have been working extremely hard to be in the best shape possible. I'm left to fund these competitions on my own, so I am humbly asking for your support.

This has been an intense season, and I thank all my supporters and contributors for all the encouragement. I have seen so much progress this past year and I know that I'm only continuing to improve. Your support (both financially and emotionally) has helped me achieve amazing results so far this season and has allowed me to attend competitions across the world (Iceland, France, USA, Greece, Belgium, Korea, Tunisia, and Russia); because of that I was able to qualify for the Pan American Championships, World Championships, and the Pan American Games. THANK YOU!

I started this small campaign specifically to help offset my costs for the Pan American Championships and World Championships. Please consider helping me with this next step towards Olympic qualification. My flight alone for Budapest was $1700, so every bit will help.

Please consider sharing and/or contributing to help me reach my goal and join this journey! This campaign will end right as I leave for World Championships!


12027283_1036030719761247_8370083601385866066_ojpgHi! My name is Marissa Ponich and I am one of the top women's sabre fencers in Canada. I have been a national team member since 2013 (the same year I started fencing internationally). I started fencing at the late age of 19. I train at Sergei’s Sabre Club with Sergei Kazimirski and he’s been my coach since I started fencing in 2006. I have grown quickly and I am continuing to grow in this sport because it is a serious passion of mine.

6 anos atrás
Alan Russette
6 anos atrás
6 anos atrás
Lyla Peter
Fence Hard!
6 anos atrás
Onwards and upwards! ❤️❤️
6 anos atrás
Barbara Madsen
6 anos atrás
Scott Vatcher
Hi Marissa, Budapest is stunning, take a nighttime river cruise if you get a chance. Lima not so much, easy to keep your eyes on the prize there!
6 anos atrás
Sandra Michaud
6 anos atrás
Sonia Caligiuri
Best of luck on your journey to the Olympics. Enjoy it! (from Alicia)
6 anos atrás
6 anos atrás
6 anos atrás
Peggy Smith
6 anos atrás
Richard Skura
Good luck Marissa!!!
6 anos atrás
Tania MacDonald
Marissa Ponich
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
0 claimed
A personal message to thank you for your contribution
2 claimed
A shout out on social media thanking you for your contribution and a personal message from me.
0 claimed
I will give you a signed print/picture of me! You'll also get a shoutout on Facebook and Twitter.
2 claimed
I will mail you a postcard from Budapest because everyone loves receiving real mail! You'll also get a shout out on Facebook and Twitter.
1 claimed
A little gift from Budapest (key chain, magnet, etc.) and your choice of a signed print or a postcard. Plus, you'll get a shoutout on social media!
0 claimed
A more valuable gift from Budapest (around $15 or $20 value) and your choice of a signed print or a postcard. Plus, you'll get a shout out on social media!
0 claimed
If you are an organization or company, I will put your logo on my MAKEACHAMP campaign and athlete profile. You'll also get a public shout out and a signed print!
0 claimed
If you are an organization or company, I will put your logo on my MAKEACHAMP campaign and athlete profile. I will also put your logo on my equipment bag or gym bag. You'll also get a public shout out and a signed print!
