$ 7,500.00
0 Dias faltando

Join the journey to the Pan Am Games and beyond!


My name is Marissa Ponich and I am a Team Canada fencing athlete in the home stretch to Paris 2024. As many of you are aware, I need to travel a lot every season (often to over 10 countries per year). I have to pay for these expenses myself, which is why I also work a full time job. I train 6 days per week anywhere from 3 to 5 hours per day. 


I'm running this campaign for two reasons:

1. To fund my trip to the Pan Am Games in Santiago, Chile. I have already qualified and will be fencing the team event there. I leave October 27th!

2. To help fund the rest of the Olympic qualification period. I will be travelling to 4 World Cups and 2 Grand Prixs before the qualification ends in March 2024:

Algiers, Algeria (World Cup - leaving directly from the Pan Am Games) - November 9-12, 2023

Orleans, France (Grand Prix) - December 8-10, 2023

Lima, Peru (World Cup) - February 9-11, 2024

Athens, Greece (World Cup) - March 1-3, 2024

TBD (Training Camp) - March 4-14, 2024

Sint-Niklaas, Belgium (World Cup) - March 15-17, 2024

This season I am going to leave it all out on the piste. No regrets. I am going to put my head down, focus on me, and do my best. After that, whatever happens, happens, but I will know I did everything I could and went as far as I could. At the end of the day, that's all I can ask for. I believe in myself. I know I am capable of great things. Now it's time to do it!

I've been on the National Team for 10 years now. Looking back, I have accomplished some pretty amazing things. I'm not done yet! Let's see what I can do during this last stretch to the 2024 Olympics!

I am incredibly grateful for all the support throughout the years... I'm touched by how many people are there for me through the ups and downs and who are constantly cheering for me. I don't know what I did to deserve all of it, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Please help me in this last stretch. Ways to help: 

-contribute even $5 (every bit helps)

-share the campaign and help me spread the word

-if you have any rewards you can contribute that I can give away, send me a message and let me know (massages, jewelry, merchandise, gift cards, etc.)

-put me in contact with a company you think might be willing to sponsor me (honestly, I've always wanted to be sponsored by a fencing company... like the kind that makes and/or puts up fences hahaha)

-subscribe to my updates and continue to send your positive energy my way!

Thank you again! Together, I know we can do this!

P.S. If you haven't already, please watch the video at the top by clicking the picture. Again, thank you to Richard Skura of Capsure Photography for all the photos and video!! Amazing job as always. 

12027283_1036030719761247_8370083601385866066_ojpgHi! My name is Marissa Ponich and I am one of the top women's sabre fencers in Canada. I have been a national team member since 2013 (the same year I started fencing internationally). I started fencing at the late age of 19. I train at Sergei’s Sabre Club with Sergei Kazimirski and he’s been my coach since I started fencing in 2006. I have grown quickly and I am continuing to grow in this sport because it is a serious passion of mine.

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Ellie Bron
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Hunter Luth
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Lyla Peter
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Michael Antonio
I'm rooting for you! Wishing you success in the Pan Am Games, the Olympics and beyond!
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Sun Yong
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Jatinder Tiwana
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All the best Marissa; we believe in you!
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Yvette Zavala
I know I'm an American, but I'm still a big fan. Allez!!!
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Theodore Ralph
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Mike Bennett
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Christopher Herd
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Emily Herd
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David Holdsworth
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Ramanjyot Sahl
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Laurie Moulton
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Fencing Fundraiser
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Calvin Chan
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Shauna Kuiper
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Jacqueline Pelechytik
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Joanne Dillon
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Heran Tessera
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Imai Welch
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Kim Petrin
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Steve Goodwin
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Shirley Brown
Marissa - Wishing you a season full of success as you strive for the 2024 Olympics!!! You go girl!!! Hugs - Shirley
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Yisun Hong
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Amy Beard
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Joanne DIllon
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Carman Christie
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Filipe Goncalves
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sean rath
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Peggy Smith
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Kyle Shapka
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Karen Shapka
Good luck Marissa! Cheering loud and proud from Lac La Biche.
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Good luck, Marissa!
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Cathal Flynn
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Shelly Rusheleau
Charge on, Marissa! This is your year!❤️ S & B
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Anthony Peutz
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Doug McCallum
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James Seigel
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Teresa Yaremko
All the best to you Marissa! Hugs Teresa
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Cody Gretzinger
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Christina Lefaivre
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Elias Smith
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Chris Hines
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Travis Pawlyk
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kerry bauer
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Lindsay Robinson
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Joanna Jiao
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Livia Balone
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Jessica Vohra
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Stephan Gelinas
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Kent Snyder
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Trevor Illingworth
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Claude Lamoureux
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Terri Mears
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yanli liu
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Chad Rich
Good luck, have fun!
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Stephen Chow
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Gail Hickmore
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Annette Wallbridge
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Ruth Huffman
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Boris Bojanov
I hope your dreams come true.
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Battista's Calzone Co. Fundraiser
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Diana Brang-Scott
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Marissa, your dedication and hard work is always an inspiration to myself and many others. Best of luck this season, I know you'll do amazing!! (mmm calzone...)
Marissa Ponich
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
3 claimed
A personal message to thank you for your contribution.
5 claimed
Get a delicious calzone (or two or three) from Battista's Calzone Company! Yum! I will email a voucher to you for your calzone. If you would like an additional calzone, just add $10 (yes, they are discounted if you buy more than one) to your contribution amount for each extra one (max 3 calzones).

2 claimed
A shout out on social media thanking you for your contribution and a personal message from me.
1 claimed
I will create a TikTok video just for you (open to suggestions but ultimately I'll decide what is posted) where I will tag you and/or mention you.
5 claimed
I will send you a signed print/picture of me! You'll also get a shout out on social media.
8 claimed
A little gift from my travels (key chain, magnet, etc.) and your choice of a signed print or a postcard. Plus, you'll get a shoutout on social media!
2 claimed
A more valuable gift from my travels (around $15 or $20 value) and your choice of a signed print or postcard. Plus, you'll get a shout out on social media!
0 claimed
If you are an organization or company, I will put your logo on my MAKEACHAMP page and athlete profile. You'll also get a public shout out and a signed print!
0 claimed
If you are an organization or company I will put your logo on my MAKEACHAMP page and athlete profile. I will also put it on my equipment bag or gym bag. You'll also get a public shout out and a signed print!
Started at $100 and has 0 claim(s)
A t-shirt from one of my fencing competitions abroad. You can choose whether you want it signed or not.
