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london english languageAs the global leader in sports crowdfunding, athletes from all around the world are using MAKEACHAMP to fulfil their funding needs. This is why, while browsing through our site, you may have come across campaigns written in a number of languages, such as english, french, portuguese, or all three at the same time!


We’re proud to be bringing together such a diverse group of athletes, but we understand that this global component might also make it hard for you to decide which language to write your campaign in. But have no fear, the MAKEACHAMP team is here to help you!

Using the Language of Your First Circle - Your Mother Tongue

In order to give yourself a 90% chance of success, you want to start your campaign off by raising 30% of your goal within the first 3-4 days. The best, and only way, to make that happen, is by reaching out to the people who care about you and your athletic goals the most - your close friends and family, or as we call them, your first circle.

What language should you use to tell your first circle about your campaign? Whatever language you would use to explain the campaign to them in person. If you speak to them in your mother tongue, then write in your mother tongue; If you have multiple languages you use frequently, then write in those languages.

Writing in the language of your first circle ensures that your community will understand your goals and dreams, and will enable them to share your campaign with their friends. This will allow you to get greater exposure within your community and your country.

mothers tongue.jpg

Using the Language of the Crowd - English

Of course, you didn’t choose to use our global platform just to communicate with people in your immediate surroundings. In order to connect with the international community, we suggest adding an english translation of your original text.

Below, Giulia Gasparin, a Brazilian fencer, provides us with a great example of how to run a campaign geared towards a global audience:

This english translation will open the doors for you to raise funds and get sponsorships from a global crowd, and form bonds with athletes and fans around the world.

Don’t worry if your english is not perfect, just do the best you can. If you have friends or family who can help you with it, don’t be shy to ask them - this can be their contribution to your success as an athlete.

Applying These Principles To Your Video

So, now you know that you need to translate your text, but that’s not all; you need to make your video international as well! To decide what langauge to use in your video, follow the guidelines above - start with your mother tongue, then translate to english. This can be approached in several ways:

1. Subtitles or captions

Since recording audio in multiple languages would be very time consuming, we suggest speaking in your mother tongue in the video, then adding english subtitles or captions. To do so, follow the instructions on youtube, here, or on Vimeo, here.

2. Translated text

If you feel like adding captions or subtitles would take away from the images in your video, then you can always translate the audio and write it in the description below the video on Youtube or Vimeo. This way, people can follow along as they watch the video.

Still Not Sure Which Language to Choose?

If you have any questions about which language to choose or how to run a global campaign, please feel free to leave a message below or e-mail the MAKEACHAMP team at support@makeachamp.com . We love hearing from you, and we are always happy to help!