Q1) What made you start the sport you are currently training in?
My father was in a shooting club and he took me once there to try. So with 10-11 year i started air rifle shooting, which i still do in winter when it is too cold for clay shooting.
Then with 13-14 i started the three clay shooting disciplines Trap, Skeet and Sporting/Compak. I the end I specialized in Trap and competed 2008 in my first european championship at the age of 15. So to summarise, everything started with my father.
Q2) What are the greatest challenges you face in your sport? mentally and physically?
Actually its a mix of both. You may not think that shooting is very physical, but i had friends who do football or even 800m running and they had quit difficulties to hold the gun for one round. When i go to the training i do minimum 4 rounds. But my opinions is, if you keep practicing, everybody has the shooting technique after 1-2 years and then it comes to the mental part. to be a good shooter you have to be mentally very strong. and even when you lose sometimes against 'yourself', you have to stand up again, and keep on. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Q3) Do you have a prepared routine for training before a competition? How do you prepare on the day of the competition?
Yes, during the main season i try to go as often as possible. here in luxemburg i can go up to 4 times a week. I try to take the training routine into the match, which means that i try to do exactly the same in training as in the match and vice versa.
There is no special thing that i do before a match.
Q4) Which sport athlete do you idolize and why?
As i am a big football fan ( FC Barcelona), i admire Lionel Messi. He is just out of this world. When it comes to a shooter, who is out of this world there are a few. But only one has a really huge palmares: Giovanni Pellielo. This guy is just incredible. He won 3 olympic medals, 4 time world champion and so on. It looks just so easy when he is shooting. Just incredible what this guy is capable of, and he is on the pdoium every single year...
Q5) What do you do during your free time? How do you like to relax?
In free time I play from time to time football. Fitness and a little cardio workout is also a part. I like photography. From time to time I make a tour with my camera, and don't even realize how far ago. One time I made a tour of 14 kilometers without really noticing :D
Q6) How has crowdfunding helped you? What personal benefits has it brought you?
The crowdfuning helped me alot, about 400 were raised by family, friends and a shooting club. my gun manufacturer will add up the rest to reach the goal. An optician also asked me to put his logo on my shooting yest, so the campaign also attracted a sponsor.
The crowdfunding filled up the hole in my wallet after this big season 2014.
Q7) How has/is MAKEACHAMP helped/helping you achieve your goals?
Makeachamp gave me the right tipps to lead my campaign. the offered me their website to tell my story and to present myself to the crowd.
Q8) Do you have any tips for a successful crowdfunding campaign?
I just say take the advise of the makeachamp mails you get from time to time. those helped me a lot.
Q9) What is your favourite TV show and why?
I like any stuff of super heroes or fantasy. so i like marvel and dc's very much. not the comics but the series on television like arrow, the flash, constantine or daredevil.
Q10) What is your favourite band/music artist and why?
At the moment i haven't really got a favorite band. it also depends which music genre i want to listen too. sometime its club/ disco music, sometimes it is rock or even metal.
Q11) What is your favourite food/snack?
I like noodles. any kind. carbohydrates give power for a football match or a shooting compettiton