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 Tips & Tricks

One of the most effective techniques that can help an athlete raise funds quickly and efficiently on MAKEACHAMP is connecting with their supporters on social media and giving them a "public shout-out". At first, not only is this a great reward it is also a powerful way to add virality to your campaign. There are many reasons to this such as it gives public recognition and showcases the success of your campaign. Below we will out line what makes a "public shout-out" so great!

Here is what a proper "Public Thank You" looks like on Facebook : 


5 Important rules to make this happen properly.

1. Tag only one contributor in your Facebook status - you will need to add the contributor as a Facebook friend to make this happen. If you can't find your supporters, please let us know we will help you -

2. Add a personal statement expressing why this contribution means a lot to you - it will help you get more contributions

3. Add the link to your campaign to the Facebook status.

4. You can only do this on your personal Facebook profile - this cannot be done on a Facebook Page.

5. You should only do it 2-3 times a day with an hour between each thank you - otherwise they will be too saturated and will lose their effectiveness


Why is this so important:

1. Because you tagged the individual in the Facebook Status, this post will be showcased on their Facebook wall for all their friends to see. Their friends are very likely to contribute as you.

2. Your friends will also want the public recognition and will join in.

3. It showcases your campaign as something successful and brings attention to it in a very positive way.


If you do not know how to tag someone on Facebook, watch the video below.



We HIGHLY recommend you to update your Facebook status with a public sincere thank you. Doing so will increase your contributions significantly and hopefully will get your campaign to go viral.

If this isn’t convincing, check out this video telling you this in person: