Dear champ, we understand that the amount of funds that you need is 10,000$ and it is probably more. This is the reality that many athletes are facing. MAKEACHAMP's crowdfunding platform is the most efficient way to raise funds that you need, nonetheless, it requires effort and possibly an existing group of supporters. As a result, it is no surprise that it is very difficult with your first fundraising campaign to raise a large amount of funds (10,000$ and beyond). However this does not mean you should necessarily decrease your goal.
The benefits of a lower goal, such as 2,000$, would be that your supporters would feel more encouraged to contribute to a realistic goal - their 20$ contribution has a bigger impact on a 2,000$ funding goal than on 10,000$. The additional benefit of a smaller goal is that your chances of a successful campaign are much higher - however does this mean higher funding?
I'd like to point out the benefits of a large funding goal despite failing to reach it. When people land on your campaign and they see the large amount you need, it might have a "shock" or a "wow" factor. Following that, it is important to have a description which explains the reason for the large funding goal. For example, you might want to say that you are not funded by any governmental organization or your sponsor dropped you because of an injury.
Furthermore, a "wow" effect might cause people to play a bigger role in helping find you a contributor or sponsor. For example, I might only be able to contribute to my teammate 20$ but because my teammate needs 10,000$, I will reach out to a sponsor who might be able to help them out. As a result, you might only reach 20% of your funding goal, meaning you'll raise only 2,000$ and have 8,000$ missing. This is not such a bad thing because this rest of the 8,000$ might come from people giving you funds in hand or even sponsorship.
The point is two use the campaign's exposure to give a "wow" factor that will help you spread the information regarding your funding situation. It will show as many people as possible regarding the true amount of funds needed in order for you to accomplish your stated goal or dream. Perhaps this might not translate to the desired amount on the campaign but it will, hopefully and eventually, turn to further, necessary financial support from other means than your campaign.