In the past weeks, we’ve had amazing results from athletes who’ve done campaigns on MAKEACHAMP.
Kathy Hubble is a world champion at the IJF World Veterans Judo Championships in Abu Dhabi - with
required funds from MAKEACHAMP. Watch Kathy featured on TV:
In fencing,
Marissa Ponich won gold medal in team and bronze medal at the Canada Cup:
Chantal Helwer was also on the podium with Marissa with bronze medal for team.
Alix Renaud-Roy, after her recent gold medal in Tampere, got gold again at the Oceania World Cup in Judo. Congrats Alix!
Support her on her path to the World Championships!
We’re stoked for all of our athletes who recently got medals:
Kathy Hubble, JUDO – 5th IJF Judo World Veterans Championships – 24th Nov 2014